Here are some guidelines for how massage therapists should manage erections during massage therapy sessions:
- Be open and honest with the client. If an erection happens during the session, it is important to be upfront and honest with the client. Address the situation openly and directly, and let the client know that it’s a natural occurrence during massage therapy.
Make sure the client is comfortable. Reassure the client that it is okay if an erection happens, and that it is perfectly normal. Ask the client to relax, and make sure they feel at ease during the session.
- Remain professional at all times. It is important to remain professional, and continue with the massage as much as possible. Discretely place a sheet or towel over the erect penis to ensure privacy, and continue with the massage session.
- Respect the client’s wishes. If the client is uncomfortable, or requests to stop the session, it should be respected. In this case, offer the client some privacy to collect themselves and address the situation as they see fit.
- Follow proper hygiene protocols. It is essential to always follow proper hygiene protocols during a massage session. This includes washing your hands before and after the session, as well as before and after changing the massage sheets and towels.
In summary, it is important to always remain professional when managing erections during massage therapy. Take the necessary steps to ensure the client’s comfort and safety are always a priority. Make sure to follow proper hygiene protocols, and respect the client’s wishes.